"NORMED" medical center began its work on June 16, 2006 and currently occupies an important place in the healthcare sector...
At Normed Medical Center, laser plasty of hemorrhoid nodes is performed, as a result of which hemorrhoids disappear completely. The operations are performed by the experienced surgeon Grigor Khachatryan, who has undergone specialized training under the leadership of the leading surgeons of the German Biolitek organization. Surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, with a minimally invasive method, and the postoperative bed rest is only 2-3 hours.
In addition to hemorrhoids, ambulatory removal of rectal fissures, warts, condylomas of the cheek area, and external hemorrhoidal nodules is also performed using the "Surgitron" device, which, unlike electrocoagulation, works with a laser method, a radio wave system, and a laser beam, which promotes early healing and almost not painful.