Cardiology office

The cardiology office of "Normed" Medical Center offers a full examination of patients with cardiovascular problems, which includes:

The cardiology office of "Normed" Medical Center offers a full examination of patients with cardiovascular problems, which includes:

• Electrocardiography
• Echocardiography
• Holter examination (24 hours and 3 days)
• Round-the-clock dual examination: blood pressure and ECG
• Treadmill testing
• Duplex-triplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck
• Duplex-triplex scanning of the vessels of the upper and lower extremities

The cardiologists of "Normed" Medical Center have high professional qualifications, studied and trained in Russia and Europe. Research is carried out in accordance with high international standards.

Echocardiography is considered the main indicator for assessing the functional state of the heart. The modern device allows you to measure the heart cavities and the thickness of the walls, evaluate the function of the valves and the blood flow rates through them.

A Holter exam is a 24/7 heart rhythm monitor. It is carried out in outpatient conditions, that is, the patient is in everyday conditions for him. Holter examination allows to examine the work of the patient's heart during physical activity (the heart's response to physical and emotional stimuli, during sleep, rhythm and conductivity during the day, painful and past ischemic states of the myocardium are recorded, helps to identify the causes of fainting, etc.). Holter examination is very informative and safe for patients. Holter examination allows to reveal the effectiveness of anti-arrhythmic and anti-ischemic treatment.

Treadmill testing, performed on a special treadmill platform, is a test that allows you to detect coronary heart disease and its functional class.
Research preparation:
• Do not eat for 3 hours before the examination.
• It is not recommended to undergo the examination after physical exertion or stress.
• Before the examination, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist to find out possible contraindications.

Duplex-triplex examination of vessels is an examination of all the vessels of the body using ultrasound.
The method makes it possible to examine not only the functional indicators of the blood flow - the direction and speed, but also the patency of the vessels. The vessels of the lower limbs, upper limbs, abdomen, neck and head are checked by duplex-triplex examination. It allows to detect vessel curvature, wall thickness, stenosis, presence of thrombi, vascular development disorders, thorough inspection of saphenous and subcutaneous veins and trunk arteries, patency of deep and superficial vessels, valve function, detection of atherosclerotic plaques, wall lesions and degree of stenosis to determine condition of collateral blood flow.