"NORMED" medical center began its work on June 16, 2006 and currently occupies an important place in the healthcare sector...

The diagnostic laboratory of the "Normed" Medical Center performs all laboratory tests in accordance with international quality standards, using modern technological achievements of laboratory diagnostics. The laboratory offers a wide range of diagnostic services:

Liquid cytological
PCR laboratory.
Currently, the liquid cytology laboratory of the "Normed" medical center gives our patients the opportunity to be examined and identify even mild precancerous changes in the body, which in turn will help to fully restore health. Learn more about liquid cytology below.

The laboratory is equipped with the best laboratory equipment of leading companies, such as Japanese Sysmex, Swiss Roche Diagnostic, French Stago and Ilsa Diagnostic brands, which allow us to carry out high-quality, accurate diagnostic research. Thanks to the latest equipment, investigations are performed quickly, which is an important prerequisite for the quality of the final results.

Since 2010, the laboratory researches of the "Normed" Medical Center have been monitored by the international external quality assessment organization CAP (College of American Pathologists).