Peripheral and central vestibular lesions are diagnosed in the otoneurological office of the "Normed" medical center. Complex ot

Peripheral and central vestibular lesions are diagnosed in the otoneurological office of the "Normed" medical center.

A complex otoneurological examination includes:

1. Study of patients' complaints (dizziness, balance and coordination disorders, hearing loss, nausea, vomiting, etc.), disease history (cause, duration and course features) and general description (diseases of the cardiovascular system and spine, head and neck injuries).

2. Examination of organs of the CCA according to the accepted procedure.

3. Olfactometry (study of olfactory function).

4. Study of the taste sensation of the tongue.

5. Study of the condition of cranial nerves.

6. Study of balance and coordination tests.

7. Video oculography, which allows not only to record nystagmus, but also to calculate its quantitative characteristics, to identify or exclude disorders caused by pathology of the central nervous system.

Before performing the video oculography, it is necessary to observe the following instructions

There is no need to stop pre-used antihypertensive and anticonvulsant medications before the examination.
Do not smoke at least 3 hours before the examination.
Do not consume coffee for at least 24 hours before the examination.
At least 72 hours before the examination, do not consume alcoholic beverages.
Appear for the examination without makeup.
Do not use before examination:
Medicines against dizziness,
9. Conducting caloric and rotational experimental experiments.

10. Stabilometry.

The use of modern equipment of the "Normed" medical center not only significantly expands the diagnostic capabilities of statokinetic research, but also allows to improve and increase the effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation.