Cervical cancer. causes, symptoms, prevention. Presented by the gynecologist


All over the world, as well as in Armenia, medicine has adopted the method of prevention for health care. Cervical cancer is one of the diseases that can be completely prevented if all screening tests are performed on time and competently, Lilit Grigoryan, a gynecologist at the "Normed" Medical Center, told Aysor.am .

The "golden" standard for examination of the cervix are:

• Oncocytological smear (Pap test, liquid cytology)
• PCR examination of HPV (human papillomavirus)
• Colposcopy

According to the doctor, there is a long way from background diseases of the cervix, from precancerous diseases to cancer. dutifully following the doctor's instructions will help to avoid the disease.

Precancerous diseases include: dysplasia, simple leukoplakia, leukoplakia with cellular atypia, erythroplakia. Dysplasia is the most common form of morphological precancerous diseases of the cervix. The frequency of transition of dysplasia to preinvasive carcinoma is 40-60%.

Possible causes of cervical dysplasia include:

• sexually transmitted infections, especially HPV (human papilloma virus)
• frequent sexual life with different partners
• early sexual life
• abortions, multiple births
• genetics loaded with tumor diseases
• abuse of nicotine and alcohol, etc.

Complaints can be different

. It is especially noteworthy sexual the presence of blood after intercourse, regardless of the amount. If HPV infection is present, genital warts (corny warts) may be found on the vulva, vagina, or anus.

Among the possible complaints are itching, burning, abnormal, unpleasant-smelling production, as well as pains, a feeling of heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen, in the groin area.

The disease may not manifest clinically for a long time.

According to gynecologist Lilit Grigoryan, the vaccine against HPV also plays a very important role in the prevention of the disease.

The methods and ways of treating the disease are different depending on the final diagnosis.