The endoscopy cabinet of the Normed Medical Center is equipped with the newest, state-of-the-art equipment of Japanese manufacture (gastroscope, colonoscopes of different lengths for thorough examination of the large intestine). The devices are very thin in diameter, flexible, provide a large angle of the visual field, are not traumatic.
The Endoscopy department of “Normed” Medical Center is equipped with the newest and modern Japanese equipment (gastroscopies, colonoscopies of different lengths). The devices have a fairly small diameter, they are flexible and provide a non-traumatic, wide angle field of view. The examination is recorded on a disc, which is essential for evidence-based medicine as well as for patients who wish to consult with another doctor. After the examination, video recording is again thoroughly viewed on a computer in the form of color pictures. Thereafter, the separated affected sections, together with the diagnostic sheet, are given to the patient. All endoscopes are sterilized with modern disinfectants that 100% prevent the spread of infectious diseases from one patient to another, such as hepatitis (A, B, C, D), tuberculosis, AIDS, syphilis. The examination room is regularly disinfected with a germicidal lamp. Since the clinic has its own modern laboratory, frequent samples are taken and examined from the devices and the external surfaces of the room. In addition to diagnostic examinations, the endoscopic department also performs:
A biopsy is performed for all cytological and histological examinations during all examinations.
Biopsy is also performed on the infected parts to detect Helicobacter pylori.
At the request of the patient, examination (gastroscopy and colonoscopy) is performed under general anesthesia.
It is recommended that all patients over the age of 40 undergo this examination to identify tumors and polyps in early stage. Endoscopic polyps are removed when they are detected during the examination.
The intervention is carried out in such a way that allows patients to avoid further complications.
It is important to note the healing role of ozone therapy in gastrointestinal diseases, in particular, the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of gastritis makes the treatment process more effective.