In the past, women were considered the main "culprits" of infertility. it used to be considered that the female factor is greater in the case of infertility, while now it has been proven that the male factor can equally be the cause of infertility, says Shavarsh Mendelyan, a urologist-andrologist of the "Normed" medical center, in a conversation with .
According to the World Health Organization, male infertility occurs in every fifth married couple. A doctor-urologist deals with the issue of male infertility.
There are many causes of infertility due to external and internal factors, they can be congenital or acquired. To identify the cause, it is necessary to:
• examination by a urologist
• spermogram (semen test)
• hormonal research (thyroid and sex hormones)
• sonography of the testicles
• denial of infections of the genitourinary system
The doctor-urologist says that it is a preferable approach for the couple to undergo examinations before marriage.
If pregnancy is not recorded after one year of active, regular sexual life (three times a week), you should consult a doctor. As a rule, the spermogram is considered primary, while at the same time, a comprehensive examination is very important. very often there are cases that men visiting a urologist do not know that, for example, they have diabetes.
The task of a doctor-urologist is not only to treat male infertility, but also to help have healthy children, says doctor-urologist Shavarsh Mendelyan.
So, the factors affecting male infertility are:
• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Blood pressure
• Cholesterol level
• Age (over 40)
The above problems affect sperm quality, lead to miscarriage, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.
One of the causes of infertility is varicocele (dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord, which occurs in the region of one or both testicles), and is diagnosed by sonography of the testicles. The ideal temperature for the testicles is 35 degrees, in the case of varicocele, dilations occur in the venous system of the testicle, the temperature of the testicle rises, blood stops, overheating occurs, thus the quality of sperm deteriorates. Semen contains both young and old spermatozoa. Sperm is completely renewed after 72 days.
Sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococcus, can also cause male infertility. Pelvic inflammatory diseases, such as prostatitis, can also lead to infertility.
When all the mentioned reasons are absent, infertility is defined as idiopathic (without a specific cause). In this case, it is highly important to change the way of life: regulate sleep, increase the hours of rest, replace a sedentary lifestyle with physical activity, gymnastics is especially useful, which contributes to the improvement of blood circulation in the pelvis. It should be remembered that the quality of sperm is also affected by radiation conditions, working with heavy metals and paints.
In the treatment of infertility, the urologist-andrologist strongly emphasizes the change of the public's attitude towards infertility, overcoming the constraint of men to consult a doctor. In this case, the man also needs the help of the woman, it is important for the woman to explain to her husband why she needs to visit a urologist. The doctor advises men to use the wording "for the health of the child" as a mechanism of persuasion to visit the doctor. In any case, the wording "it's your fault", "it's because of you" is not acceptable, which not only does not contribute to the solution of the problem, but also undermines the mental health of the family. The emotional health of the couple's sexual life is also very important during the treatment, so that the relationship does not become a mechanized process. Couples should not focus only on the days of ovulation, one should not build sexual life only around it.
as a result, the psychosexual satisfaction of the couple is disturbed.
During the course of treatment, it is important to set expectations: what to expect from the doctor? the spermogram provides an opportunity to track and record the results of the treatment, as a rule, a four-time spermogram within a maximum of one year is enough to conclude whether it is possible to achieve reproduction naturally without interventions, or whether there is a need to use reproductive technologies, says urologist-andrologist Shavarsh Mendelyan.
If the spermogram does not show improvement, the doctor honestly presents the situation to the couple and explains.
However, it is up to the couple whether to continue treatment or resort to reproductive interventions. The doctor says that the developments are different, highly individual, but the main prerequisite for achieving results is the relaxed doctor-patient relationship.