Hypertensive disease is a disease with a chronic course, which is manifested by a stable increase in blood pressure (systolic blood pressure more than 140 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure - more than 90 mm Hg). The prevalence of hypertensive disease in the whole world is 30 to 45 percent, and this indicator does not depend on the social status and development of the countries, said Anna Galstyan, a cardiologist at the Normed Medical Center, in a conversation with Aysor.am.
Hypertensive disease can be both asymptomatic (not manifested by any complaints, detected by random objective examinations) and symptomatic. manifested by non-specific complaints:
In the case of asymptomatic hypertension, the probability of occurrence of a stroke or heart attack is greater, because due to the absence of complaints, it is detected in the later stages. For early detection, it is important to regularly undergo objective examinations and take blood pressure measurements.
The causes of hypertensive disease have not yet been fully revealed, and this is what makes hypertensive disease different from secondary, symptomatic arterial hypertension. in the case of the secondary, there are diseases of other organ systems: endocrine, renal, vascular, central nervous system.
Contributing factors are of two types: modifiable or changeable and non-modifiable or unchangeable factors. Modifiable factors are:
Gender, age, hereditary predisposition are unmodifiable factors. Between the ages of 25 and 60, the probability of the occurrence of hypertension is high in men, and after menopause, the probability increases in women, after the age of 60, the percentage of occurrence of hypertension in women and men is almost equal.
Prevention of the disease involves influence on modifiable factors: alcohol restriction, smoking cessation, sufficient physical activity, balanced diet, fat, fatty meat, and salt restriction.
Treatment of the disease involves regular use of antihypertensive drugs combined with lifestyle changes.
An increase in systolic blood pressure of 130-139 mm Hg is considered a high normal pressure, in this case it is possible to reach the target index without antihypertensives, only with lifestyle changes, while in the case of 140 and above, it is necessary to start prescribing antihypertensive drugs combined with lifestyle changes . The change of medication is individual, it is possible to use a drug for years and not need to change, but it is very important to constantly monitor the blood pressure to change the dosage or group of drugs.
In the case of young people, the primary risk factor for the occurrence of hypertensive disease is hereditary predisposition, if there is hypertension in genetics, the probability of occurrence of the disease increases by 20 percent at a younger age.
However, if hypertension is manifested at a young age, it is necessary to try to rule out a number of diseases that cause secondary symptomatic hypertension.
Cardiologist Anna Galstyan reminds that the treatment of hypertension is considered primary prevention for cardiovascular and kidney diseases, which reduces the probability of death.